Passive Income Owning a Gala Games Cryptocurrency Node

Kevin Roberts
3 min readFeb 22, 2021

It is everyone’s dream scenario to achieve passive income through the use of the internet, whether through cryptocurrency or a business entity. I have achieved some level of residual income through an online ecommerce business that is currently profitable, however now I wish to diversify into a cryptocurrency or blockchain passive income. Let’s explore one huge opportunity in my view, that is Gala Games.

Gala Games, Owned by Players (like you and me)

Passive Income Using a Node

Gala Games motto is “Player Owned” gaming and that is what they are setting out to accomplish right now through the use of a masternode or a node as they call it. It really is a software node at the time, no need for a offsite server, you can run one with your laptop or desktop.

How does it work? The system of nodes now is a total supply of 50,000 nodes, so called ‘grandfathered’ nodes. Right now as I write this there are already 22,319 nodes sold, in the hands of individuals like you and me. The cost for every 100 nodes sold goes up by $100, now the cost if $5300/node with the last 100 nodes to be sold for $33,000/node. Is Gala Games going to sell out? The answer is a resounding YES. The game that is drawing so much attention is Mirandus and it is not even in Alpha stage of development.

Node Software Running on Laptop

Once you purchase one or more nodes (they each have to run on a separate computer), each night the owner of 1 node receives 1 point of share of the $gala token distribution, currently set at 8,560,435 tokens. That’s right, you receive $gala tokens, traded on some exchanges, worth roughly 1.8 cents each, in proportion to the number of nodes owned. This is a passive income received day in and day out as long as you own the node.

Future Roadmap

In addition to the daily token distribution of their token, Gala is planning on having nodes below these grandfathered nodes which also may trickle in income to the upper nodes, nodes owned by you! Right now as well, only two games are plugged into the ecosystem, that being Town star and Mirandus. More games are planned on joining Gala Games blockchain company and will presumably also add any recurring, passive return on income (ROI).

An Amazing Opportunity

This present you and I with an amazingly huge opportunity in my view, the ability to be a part of the Games ecosystem that Gala is building, no need to hire a game developer or programmer to develop a game system in order to take advantage of such a blockchain architecture. Mirandus and Town star are shaping up to be a major factor in the blockchain gaming arena and will have growth aspects ongoing throughout the years to come and node owners will benefit greatly.

How Do I Get a Node?

Through a Simple 3 Steps:

1) Go to Gala Games Nodes and purchase a node and establish an account.

2) Install lightweight software to your PC or MAC desktop or laptop.

3) Make sure to run the node for at least six (6) hours per day to receive your node share of the daily distribution.

That’s really it! If you purchase more than one Gal Games node, be sure to run the masternode on different computers, or purchase a offsite server to run the node software for many multiples of nodes.

Gala Games Node Link: Get Your Node Running Now

Click the link Above to Get Your Node



Kevin Roberts

Business Owner, E-commerce Expert and Cryptocurrency Investor for passive income or residual income. Profits from passive sources, minimal effort, maximum gain